
Jersey Shore man charged with endangering the welfare of a child, assault

While talking to officers at her Jersey Shore home at 322 Front St. on Tuesday night, Troy Johnson’s wife broke down and began crying, according to an affidavit. Lycoming Regional police had been called to the couple’s home about 6:40 p.m. to investigate reported domestic disturbance. She told the officers that she just “couldn’t take it anymore,” and that she was just “a punching bag” for her 38-year-old husband, the affidavit stated. She said she had “bruises all over her body,” injuries she alleges Johnson inflicted. The officers noticed cuts and marks on her body as well as a black and blue left eye, police said. She, along with the couple’s children, were transported to a friend’s home, and while there Johnson texted her a message that read in part, “You brought all this on because of your lies and actions,” police said. During one of the alleged assaults, Johnson pushed her up a set of steps and into their juvenile daughter, causing a rug burn on the girl’s knee, it stated in the court document. Arraigned before Whiteman on charges of endangering the welfare of a child, simple assault, disorderly conduct and harassment, Johnson was jailed in lieu of $10,000 bail.


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