
Alleged impaired driver faces felony charge in Nippenose Township crash

It was just before 11 p.m. on May 10 when 63-year-old Mary Lamey, driving a Jeep Compass, was heading north on Route 44 in Nippenose Township when a Jeep Grand Cherokee, driven by William T. Hanner, 41, of 123 Old Fort Road, Jersey Shore, and heading south, crossed the center line and plowed head-on into Lamey’s vehicle.

Lycoming Regional police allege Hanner, who refused to submit a blood test, was impaired at the time of the crash, which has left Lamey, of Antes Forte, with injuries that linger to this day, according to investigators.

Lamey was rushed to a hospital, where she underwent emergency surgery for internal bleeding, Patrolman Jarod Mahosky wrote in an affidavit.

“Lamey suffered injuries to her knees, legs, sternum and pelvis. She was placed in a medically-induced coma and put on a ventilator,” the officer said in the court document.

At the crash scene, Hanner’s mouth was “quite bloody” from cuts he suffered in the crash, the officer said. “I detected a faint odor of alcohol on his breath, Mahosky said. Hanner said he had been out with his girlfriend earlier at a club, where he had “a few drinks,” the affidavit stated. After he was treated and cleared by emergency medical technicians, Hanner agreed to take a preliminary breath test that gave him a BAC reading of .13, the officer said.

“He performed a series of field sobriety tests poorly, exhibiting multiple clues of impairment,” the officer wrote in the court document.

Hanner said he did not want to answer any more questions so he was taken home. He has been charged with felony aggravated assault by vehicle while driving under the influence, DUI plus 10 summary offenses, including reckless driving and careless driving.

He has since waived his preliminary hearing before District Judge Denise Dieter and remains free on $150,000 bail.

In the meantime, three months after the crash, Lamey is recovering from her injuries at a rehabilitation center, police confirmed this week.


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