
Montoursville holds off Mifflinburg for 27-20 win on Friday

Mifflinburg had its chances throughout the fourth quarter after Montoursville took the lead, but the Wildcats weren’t able to punch in a game-tying touchdown as Montoursville held on for an exciting 27-20 road win on Friday night.

Christian Banks had a 19-yard touchdown run with 10:15 to play which gave Montoursville a 27-20 lead. The defense did its job from there, not letting Mifflinburg shift momentum.

Christian Banks was outstanding on the ground for the Warriors, rushing the ball 25 times for 181 yards and three times finding the endzone. Montoursville out-gained Mifflinburg in total yards, 340-217.

Landon Murray had a 10-yard touchdown run early in the first quarter which gave the Wildcats a 7-0 lead heading into the second quarter. Banks scored his first of three touchdowns from 2 yards out with 10:39 to play which made it a 7-6 deficit after the missed kick.

Chad Martin, Mifflinburg’s quarterback, called his own number with 8:24 to play, scoring from five yards out and giving Mifflinburg a 13-6 lead. Montoursville answered the ensuing drive when Jimmy Mussina found Michael Reeder for a 45-yard strike and tied it at 13-all with 6:43 to play.

Banks would break a 26-yard touchdown run wtih 3:34 to play in the third quarter to give Montoursville a 20-13 lead. Mifflinburg would answer on a fast possession less than a minute later when Murray caught a 57-yard pass from Martin.


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