
The Democratic Party today and devastation

I just finished reading the opinion of Verna Caruso on the Republican and Democratic national conventions.

One of these things is definitely not like the other. The Democratic Party has not been the Democratic Party for well over a decade. It’s no longer the party of the working class but more the party of Who’s who and the very extreme far left.

In my opinion the only thing she got right was that there was definitely a contrast between the two.

To have an “overall feeling of Joy” while innocent life is being murdered/aborted in the parking lot as a “feature” of the Democratic National Convention speaks volumes about the Democratic Party and their national convention. Democrats claim to be looking at the future while murdering the future in the parking lot.

Ms. Caruso wrote, “first, let’s look at the speakers. The Democrats’ roster read like ‘Who’s Who’ while the Republicans’ list was more like ‘Who?'”

As far as her assessment of who was in attendance, I believe most Americans would agree that the most important guests at either convention were the 13 Gold Star families that were recognized for their sacrifice to our country from the Biden/Harris botched Afghanistan withdrawal, of which Biden or Harris still refuses to recognize.

And I am positive that Americans care more about the parents that spoke who lost a child to Chinese Fentanyl or lost their child who was raped/murdered by an illegal alien.

Even if you are suffering from severe Trump derangement syndrome, You must care about the father/husband/firefighter who lost his life in Butler, Pennsylvania, while protecting his wife and children.

But enough about who had the better convention. Americans are suffering from the Biden/Harris Green New Scam economy, the Biden/Harris FAILED foreign policy, and the purposeful Biden/Harris Invasion over our southern border. The Biden/Harris administration put our country into serious DECLINE.

I’m very curious about her statement claiming Harris was stately, eloquent and presidential. Just a very short time ago Democrats completely rejected Harris in the primaries not even giving her 1% of the vote. Democrats very quickly recognized her inabilities and kicked her to the curb. How did she go from being kicked to the curb by Democrats and just a short time later their vice president and now presidential nominee?

Harris was the beneficiary of a Biden “Pay For Play Scam.” Congressman James E. Clyburn delivered Biden the Black vote in exchange for the Harris vice presidential pick. Vice President Harris went on to earn the lowest approval rating of any vice president. Days after Harris claimed Biden was sharp as a tack, his serious mental decline was exposed and he was forced out by the Democrats’ corrupt mob.

Now Democrats have no choice but to falsely claim Harris is stately, eloquent and presidential.

There is no such thing as democracy with the current Democratic Party. There is only mob rule.

So lets examine what accomplishments the Biden/Harris admin achieved over the past 3 ½ years.

Their first accomplishment was to roll back all of the Trump border policies, leading to the INVASION at our southern border. After allowing 20 million to INVADE our country now they want to blame it all on Republicans and Trump over the failure of a so-called bi-partisan border bill. (Some Republicans did fall for the border bill scam)

The failed border bill had nothing to do with securing our border but had everything to do with assisting democrats with the INVASION. What good are hundreds of more border agents if the bill is only going to tie their hands at stopping the INVASION. The bill would have allowed 5,000 INVADERS a day and even once the number was reached, Biden would have complete discretion on whether to stop the flow.

The new border agents would have been ONLY used to process the fake asylum claims at a faster rate then releasing them into our country to kill more Americans.

Our already FAILED education system is going to be overwhelmed with the children of these INVADERS who can’t even speak English

Our already FAILED health care system is already being overwhelmed with these INVADERS using our nation’s hospitals as their personal doctor’s office and taxpayers are getting stuck with the bill.

Housing costs are inflated because of tax payer subsidized housing for the INVADERS leaving American citizens to live on the streets.

Democrats used the COVID-19 excuse for everything under the sun to lock our country down but couldn’t care less what kind of disease is coming across out southern border.

We have not even begun to feel the devastation to our country because of the Biden-Harris open-border invasion.

The next Biden/Harris accomplishment was the implementation of the Green New SCAM.

The inflation Americans are suffering under was first created with Green New Scam war on fossil fuels. Gas prices nearly doubled resulting in higher costs on everything. Then the Biden/Harris passed the “Inflation reduction Act “ spending trillions that had nothing to do with inflation. In fact, it was a major factor in creating the out of control inflation. Just like the FAILED border policy, the fallout has not even begun. With the inflation cost on EVERYTHING, Americans are living on credit cards.

Americans are now carrying well over a TRILLION dollars of credit card debt with out-of-control high interest rates. We are just now starting to experience the highest levels of credit card default.

We have not even begun to feel the devastation to our country because of the Biden-Harris “green new scam” economy.

The next Biden/Harris accomplishment was they set our world on fire with FAILED foreign policy and extremely weak leadership.


As Tim Walz recently stated, we can’t afford four more years. Our country is in serious trouble with well over $30 trillion of national debt and a world that is on fire. I understand party loyalty nut now is not the time to elect a leader based on race, gender or a “pay for play” candidate who has no ability and has already failed our country.

Barry Shirn was born and raised in Pennsylvania, residing in both Florida and Tennessee for most of his adult life. He is a registered independent voter.

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