When the wicked rule
Our governor, claims to care about education, yet disregards the principles our state and nation are founded upon. He displays ignorance of, and adversity to, our founding, governing documents.
Legalizing pot for revenue is dangerous, immoral and economically catostrophic. (Senator Yaw and Representative Flick are not thinking clearly)! Also, the destruction of a very basic food source, because of ignorance and the wilful obstruction of science. Do these help education?
If pastors teach Truth of the dangers of: pot, transgendering, LGBTQ, drug and vaccine dependency, culling chickens, anthropogenic climate change, etc., America will improve.
The Democrat machine, promotes violence. Because it’s populated with unhinged, deranged, hypocritical, vile haters of God, Israel and America. How do ‘Christians’ align themselves with this?
Even pastors of churches with ‘traditional’ values must highlight these things, and teach how and why to reject this wickedness. (This is an example of preaching, from colonial America to the pre-501(c3) state-church era).
When pastors are unwilling to speak-out for God, whom do they fear?
Pastors were the most informed and engaging people in any community. Of course, the miseducating of pastors began in the 1920’s. To destroy a nation, as America, Faith and education must be poisoned first! The in-the-box, Bible only, teaching method is illogical and obstructs Truth.
How do ‘Christians’ remain loyal to the anti-Christian agenda and unhinged army of combatants against Life?
Psalm 119:55 – Salvation is far from the wicked: for they seek not Thy statutes.
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