Trump’s national cabinet
Trump’s cabinet is a national cabinet, a cabinet which spans both parties. R. F. Kennedy, Jr. is still a Democrat, Tulsi Gabbard ran for president as a Democrat, and Elon Musk with his own special department voted for Biden twice. Roosevelt did the same thing during World War II much to Democratic consternation. Roosevelt’s Secretaries of War and Navy were Republicans. The reason for a bipartisan cabinet is to forge national unity in a dire time of war, thereby aligning the country’s strengths against the common enemy. And, yes, America is presently at war with a common enemy. A globally regimented foe, both foreign and domestic, seeks to destroy America’s economic vitality at home, and its world political leadership abroad. And so Trump has formed a “war cabinet” to secure America’s economic independence and secure its geopolitical strength.
The idea of such an inclusive cabinet is simple, but its implementation isn’t so easy as the length of WWII shows. And yet winning without a national cabinet is even harder, and even impossible. Trump’s first-term all Republican plans for restoring America’s greatness were continually diverted and delayed by the America haters. That means Trump’s struggles were the tactical equivalent of World War I. After four years that war was unfinished, requiring a second war, WWII, a war which historians often call the second half of that unfinished first war.
And so Trump’s second term is just the completion of the first. But now, unlike his first term, Trump has a national cabinet based on the massive popular mandate the American people gave him in a fair election. As a result, America’s national well-being will prevail just as it did in WWII and ever since then — until the recent coordinated attack on America, foreign and domestic. But that coordinated America hatred will be corrected, and it will be corrected with an indisputable and irreversible historical victory just like WWII gave America.
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