Real world consequences
Two news articles in my local newspaper caught my attention. They describe the real-world consequences of the Trump Administration’s actions.
The Central Pennsylvania Food Bank, which provides food for 600,000 Pennsylvanians every week, has been suddenly cut off from hundreds of thousands of dollars it uses to buy food directly from farmers, the most economical way to purchase milk, eggs and meat.
Governor Shapiro has sued the Trump Administration over withholding billions of federal funds that were allocated by Congress and promised for programs such as food banks. When Congress appropriates funds, it is the law of the land. For the President/Executive branch to refuse to pay the funds promised by Congress is illegal and unconstitutional.
As a donor to the local food bank, my contribution is a drop in the bucket, and now that drop is just one in a river of need. How popular is this thoughtless budget cutting, and who is in favor of withholding food from hungry people?
Submitted by Virtual Newsroom