
Keep the faith

The Biden administration and its radical leftist apparatchiks have amassed an appalling record of inefficiency, waste, corruption, special interest peddling, graft, money laundering and attempts to intimidate private citizens.

Everyday Americans would like to believe they elect officials who regard public office as a public trust, not as a personal possession for looting and radical desires. These officials should practice the principles of honesty, integrity, decency, devotion and thrift in their governing lives. We do not expect our legislators, others in government — who make more than a fair wage for their service — to leave office as multi-millionaires who amass great wealth because of their “service to the nation.” We also do not expect these leaders’ families to act as grifters and get wealthy in the most nefarious ways.

Most Americans are opposed to the notion of the “super state” with its bureaucracies and centralized authority. Most believe in balanced budgets for local, county, state and federal governments. We stand firm in our belief that major limitations should be placed on government spending and living beyond our nation’s means as we amass a huge debt for our children to pay.

Most Americans oppose socialism, communism, fascism and are deeply concerned with the many in government who identify with these “isms.” Our trust for those in government who lean toward these -isms and make policy is greatly shaken when we envision them formulating foreign and domestic policies for our nation. A vast majority of us oppose appeasement in foreign policy and other positions that are foreign to our national principles.

Many are apprehensive when they see radical leftists’ positions on open borders, which have allowed well over 10 million illegal immigrants to come into America, including probably thousands of terrorists; radical climate change notions; a lack of energy policy; abortion on demand right up to the moment of delivery; gun control threatening our Second Amendment rights and other such issues taking on the characteristics of something akin to a religion.

We must hope and keep the faith that much of the above will end in the trash bin of history that is overflowing with politically motivated authoritarian abuses of the rights of good, decent, honest Americans.


South Williamsport


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