
Freedom’s existence

Since our existence as a country, we have fought many battles for the preservation of our freedoms and the freedoms of others. Thankfully most of the battles for the preservation of our freedoms and the freedoms of others. Thankfully most of the battles were fought against adversaries in foreign lands.

I believe the battle for our freedoms at present is the most critical battle in our nation’s history. We are not fighting a foreign adversary; we are fighting against our own treasonous government. A government who has help from the biased news media, the elite and corrupt billionaires. All seek to destroy our country with wokeness, CRT and corrupt elections.

We all know that Biden and others are in the pockets of the Chinese. China is buying up all they can in America, including thousands of acres of farmland next to our strategic military bases.

Why does our government want to take guns away from law-abiding American citizens? Remember, we have an administration that believes in America last. Whether you have a gun or not, all should defend the Second Amendment. Without the right to keep and bear arms we would be defenseless. Look back in history to what happened in Nazi Germany. Hitler not only exterminated Jewish families, but also killed anyone who opposed his ideology. We must not allow that to happen here.

God bless America.


Porter Township


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