Council OKs video agreement
Williamsport City Council knocked out some of the business needs of the city before it took a holiday break.
Council renewed an agreement for video presentation of the council meetings with a local business.
CGB AV Datacom, owned by Chris Bird, received a contract renewal for the price of $250 per meeting.
Bird provided the video-audio service in 2024 with the meetings broadcast live and recorded for the public with access on YouTube.
Council also held a public hearing and then took a vote to authorize transfer of a restaurant liquor license by Puff Cigarette Discount Store on West Fourth Street from a former Montousville restaurant on Broad Street. Following approval by the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board the transfer will be completed, council said.
Council authorized a $2 million tax and revenue anticipation note with M&T Bank. This is done annually as a security to cover any expenses the city has while it awaits for the property taxes and revenue to arrive.
To clarify a point he made, city Treasurer Kevin Mackey said he will be on a tax association board in 2025 and has a say where the association meeting can take place, but it likely won’t be in the city as it was just here two years ago.
Council holds its reorganization at 7 p.m. Thursday at Trade and Transit Centre II, 144 W. Third St., 3rd floor. The meeting is broadcast live and recorded on YouTube.