
Old Lycoming Township working with consultant to get accurate finances

Since June, Old Lycoming Township has been working with an outside financial adviser to correct township accounts and ensure financial solvency.

Since the beginning of June, the township has spent $27,923.65 with GFS. GFS was brought in to assess and correct errors in the books and get the day-to-day Treasury functions operating properly and in compliance.

Angela Reome has been able to take over and successfully execute day-to-day functions under GFS oversight, according to Ann-Marie Brown, township manager.

GFS has found volumes of transactions in 2023 and 2024 either not coded or coded incorrectly and/or not posted through to the General Ledger.

Due to this, the township is trying to be frugal in its spending, Brown noted.

Because 2023 is incomplete, the township does not have a starting point for 2024 and, since no balance has rolled forward yet from 2023, 2024 will be inaccurate.

“We are also working with the state Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) to secure grant funding to help with the cost of getting our financials caught up and corrected, but the financial cost of GFS is being offset already because we do not have a treasurer on the payroll at this time, a position that was budgeted for,” Brown said.

The 2022 audited financials were completed a month or so ago and the township is looking for an alternative path forward with DCED to get it signed and filed.

Supervisor Justin Kastner said the supervisors as a board are making progress in a number of areas of business and appreciate everyone’s patience.

For example, the board is following Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors recommendations and supervisors will continue to encourage residents’ questions on township business and work on the budget proposal.


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