
Directors question Montoursville Area School District’s monetary support of Lyco CTC

Montoursville Area School Board members at their recent meeting seemed unenthused by the idea of further supporting the Lycoming Career & Technology Center, especially when the district’s students comprise a smaller percentage of those attending than those from other schools.

The CTC is launching a three-phase $12 million building expansion project that each of the participating six school districts will help finance.

Board member Sharon Meyer said she feels the CTC offers great educational programs but with just 35 Montoursville students enrolled in the school at the East Lycoming School District campus, the cost is a lot to absorb.

At the Sept. 10 board meeting, CTC officials further outlined the building expansion plans, noting that more space is needed to accommodate growing numbers of interested students and to train them for local workplaces.

A total of 341 students are enrolled in programs including automotive technology, computer systems technology, construction trades, criminal justice, culinary arts, early childhood education, and health careers. Two other training programs, welding and diesel mechanics, are to be added.

Other board members weighed in on the issue.

Brenda Oberheim agreed with Meyer that the CTC offers fine programs but noted that Montoursville has its own issues to be concerned with, including a possible expansion of the Lyter Elementary School.

“You have to take care of your own backyard first,” she said.

Daniel Albert suggested that perhaps programs offered at the CTC could be introduced in the district for students.

Oberheim stated that Montoursville would end up paying for the building expansion but have no equity in the project.

Board President Todd Badger noted that the project calls for using grant money to partially fund it.

If such money can’t be secured, he asked, does it “fall back on us.”

Superintendent Dan Taormina noted that districts are being asked to either back or oppose the plan by November.

In other matters, the board approved a policy on final reading that prohibits use of cell phones and other electronic devices by students during the school day.

An agreement between the district and Susquehanna Community Health and Dental Clinic was approved to provide dental services for students.

The board approved Nicole Casale as assistant girls’ soccer coach and Olivia Overdorf as assistant volleyball coach. Each will receive stipends of $2,600.

The board approved the resignation of Matthew Waggoner from the support staff.

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