
City of Williamsport ends dispute with insurance companies over legal representation coverage

The City of Williamsport has relinquished its dispute to have insurance companies provide legal representation for two pending similar lawsuits brought by a current and retired police officer.

The city, Mayor Derek Slaughter and former Mayor Gabriel J. Campana three years ago sued Charter Oak Fire Insurance Co. and State National Insurance Co. Inc. after they declined to provide coverage for suits brought by Lt. Fred V. Miller IV and now-retired Lt. Stephen Helm, according to a report in PennLive.com.

State National settled claims in the cases for $50,000, the news source said after obtaining the settlement using a state right-to-know request.

This week, the city filed a notice in U.S. Middle District Court that it voluntarily was dismissing its claims against Charter Oak as they relate to the Miller case, according to Pennlive.

The U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals already ruled Charter Oak was not obligated to represent the city in the Helm case.

As a result of no insurance coverage, the city will be responsible for its legal costs in both cases beyond what the $50,000 obtained in the settlement covers, the news source reported.

Both the former and current officers’ suits are similar and contend they were victims of retaliation by being bypassed for promotions despite being the most qualified.


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