
City of Williamsport already making preparations for America’s 250th birthday

America’s 250th birthday celebration in Williamsport, a liquor license transfer for WAWA and reappointment of a seasoned engineer to the Williamsport Municipal Water and Sanitary Authority.

These were among the items of business taken care of recently by the Williamsport City Council.

Among the topics piquing council members’ interest was how the city was getting set to hold a grand celebration as the nation marks America’s 250th birthday in 2026.

In doing so, council passed a ceremonial resolution supporting the Pennsylvania Commission for the United States Semiquincentennial or America A250PA.

Mayor Derek Slaughter observed how the details are in their infancy but the Commission has been approaching municipalities asking officials to approve resolutions supporting the year-long activity. As stated, it will run from Jan. 1 through Dec. 31, 2026.

Council President Adam Yoder added how the resolution was mostly ceremonial but how he as council leader on behalf of council was excited for the 250th birthday party.

Yoder said he learned about this through a presentation. It includes educational aspects, such as community-oriented scholarship opportunities, and the planting of trees, one of which, a Liberty tree, has been planted in Williamsport Cemetery.

“Mayor, are you going to set up a committee for this?” asked Councilwoman Bonnie Katz, chair of the public works department and a councilwoman who has a fondness for promoting the downtown and city, especially, with her involvement in the start of First Fridays.

“If that is the direction the state Commission would like us to go absolutely,” Slaughter replied.

Whether the Commission would be supporting communities financially for costs associated with the programming through the year is expected to be addressed in the future.

Council also approved a license transfer for the future WAWA on Maynard Street. Council passed a resolution of the city approving the transfer of restaurant liquor licenses by WAWA Inc. from a business in Wolf Township into the city.

Council also had some loose ends to tie up including passing a resolution appointing a compliance officer and establishing a grievance procedure. The officer will be Bill Scott, city engineer, and whoever is the engineer should Scott no longer be employed by the city, said Valerie Fessler, executive director of the city Department of Community and Economic Development.

Council approved a resolution authorizing the forgiveness of debts owed by the estate of the late Marion Loner.

Council reappointed William Ertel, an engineer by profession, to a seat on the Williamsport Municipal Water and Sanitary Authority. The reappointment runs through Jan. 3, 2029.

Council approved resolutions setting City Council meetings for 2025, to authorize renewal of health insurance policy for retired employees, approved an ordinance approving editing and exclusion of certain ordinances as parts of the various component codes of the codified ordinances. This, admittedly, was the buttoning up of some codified ordinances language, according to Austin White, city solicitor.


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