
Pickleball group holds tournament, discusses park upgrades

PHOTO PROVIDED First place winners Tim Bennett, left, and Gene Tran, right, are pictured during a game.

LOCK HAVEN — The City of Lock Haven and Lock Haven Area Pickleball recently came together to host an afternoon of community fun and engagement at Hanna Park.

The event, held Sunday, Sept 8, included a 16-team tournament and aimed to gather ideas for the future of Hanna Park.

Through the many games played, everyone was welcome to share their ideas for the park, meet their neighbors and support the local pickleball group.

“Congratulations to all the teams who took part in the tournament, including the podium teams,” City Planner Abbey Roberts said.

First Place went to Gene Tran and Tim Bennett; Second Place was Colt Smith and Rich Greene; and Third Place was Brennan Haines and Joe Marchese.

“The feedback from the event and responses from the Hanna Park survey will be used to develop a preliminary site plan and project budget as the City of Lock Haven works to gather funding for the project,” Roberts said. “Grant funds will be sought from the Community Development Block Grant program and the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.”

Hanna Park is one of the last active parks to see upgrades. Other parks that have seen improvements in recent years were Hoberman, Piper-Harmon and Hammermill.

City staff thanked the community for showing up and sharing their ideas and the Lock Haven Area Pickleball group, including Ron Haffley, Jeannine and Wade Shadey and Paul Ballat, for their partnership in the event.


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