
Montoursville auxiliary installs 2025 officers

PHOTO PROVIDED Pictured front seated left to right: Linda Saltsgiver, ALA Unit No. 104’s Secretary; Margaret Blackwell, vice president; Joyce Wheeland, president and Jamie Welty, treasurer. Standing left to right: Alexis Blackwell Reynolds, historian; Cindy Bezilla, sergeant-at-arms; Carol Wert Walker, ALA Department of Pennsylvania’s district president for Centre, Lycoming and Clinton counties; Kathie Snauffer, ALA Unit No. 104’s chaplain and Trudy Blackwell Reynolds, sergeant-at-arms.

American Legion Auxiliary 2025 Officers of Eugene Grafius American Legion Auxiliary Unit No. 104 of Montoursville were recently installed by Carol Wert Walker, ALA Department of Pennsylvania’s District President for Centre, Lycoming and Clinton counties.

“These ladies are part of the largest Veterans Service Organization in the world,” a news release said. “Their mission being in the spirit of ‘Service, Not Self,’ the mission of the American Legion Auxiliary to support the American Legion and to honor the sacrifice of those who serve and have served, by enhancing the lives of our veterans, military and their families, both at home and abroad. For God and Country, they advocate for veterans, educate our citizens, mentor youth and promote patriotism, good citizenship, peace and security.”

All American Legion Auxiliary members of Centre, Lycoming and Clinton counties are invited to attend the council meetings. Members can make reservations through their local ALA Units.


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