
Festival returning to Indian Park

SUN-GAZETTE FILE PHOTO Fall colors began to appear in time for the Montoursville Kiwanis Fall Festival at Indian Park in September of 2023.

According to a news release, Montoursville’s Indian Park will soon be buzzing with Montoursville Kiwanis Club members and Volunteers of Indian Park preparing for their upcoming Fall Festival.

The annual event, which will be held on Sept. 20 and 21, requires a year of planning and dozens of volunteers to pull off the event.

“Our club works all year long to provide our community with a great event,” says Matt Alexander, Montoursville Kiwanis Club’s president, according to the news release. “It involves a great deal of work to make sure everything is in place. Each year we find great local bands, family-friendly activities, and we always try to keep it fresh by offering something new.”

This year’s events include face painting, Air Weaver Balloons, Hatchet House Axe Throwing, Miss Mary’s Music and Movement, falconer Mike Kuriga, and Brent Kessler Magic Shows. Friday night’s entertainment will be 90’s cover band As If, with Saturday’s line-up including Uptown Music Collective, Raising Kane performing hard rock, and classic rock band Trainwreck Survivors.

The Fall Festival also gives dozens of local non-profit organizations, including churches and school groups, an opportunity to raise money by selling food or offering games. Many Montoursville High School Key Club members also get involved by helping to direct traffic or sell food.

Although the event always offers something new, at least two things continue to be a staple of the event. “At the Fall Festival people will always be able to get a sausage sandwich from the Kiwanis Sausage Wagon and they’ll see fireworks on Saturday night,” Alexander said.

For more information about the Fall Festival and the Montoursville Kiwanis Club, visit their Facebook page or their website at https://k18323.site.kiwanis.org/.


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